
During the winter semester of 2023 in my Web 4 class, I embarked on an exciting project tasked with creating a mobile app using the capabilities of Onsen or similar technological tools. This assignment was an opportunity to unleash my creativity, beginning with the conceptualization of a theme that would be segmented into various tabs. Each tab was envisioned to host a unique amalgamation of information, designs, icons, images, and even GIFs, offering us the liberty to handpick and personalize content. This freedom allowed us to structure the app around chosen themes, weaving our ideas into a tapestry of visual elements and engaging content. Our overarching goal was to develop an interface that not only boasted aesthetic appeal but also delivered valuable and captivating information across different sections of the app. With this vision in mind, I opted for a Shrek-themed approach, drawing inspiration from the beloved animated franchise to infuse humor and nostalgia into the app's design and content.


  • Create a mobile app using technologies like Onsen, prioritizing meticulous design.
  • Craft an interface that seamlessly combines visual appeal with functional efficiency.
  • Ensure the app's design not only looks attractive but also solves a specific problem or enhances user convenience.
  • Apply a deep understanding of user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) principles in the design process.
  • Integrate captivating visual elements with intuitive navigation for user engagement.
  • Thoughtfully organize content, icons, images, and GIFs into distinct sections or tabs.
  • Curate each section to complement and enhance the overall design theme of the app.
  • Balance creativity with practicality, aiming to create an aesthetically pleasing yet user-friendly app experience.
  • Solutions

    In overcoming the challenges I faced, I employed a series of steps that enabled me to create a more refined and user-centric app design. Initially, I conducted thorough online research to gather references and insights. This involved studying various color schemes, exploring diverse font options, and aligning them with the specific theme I aimed to pursue. Sketching out the layout of my ideas helped in visualizing and refining the app's structure. Leveraging the capabilities of Onsen, I explored a multitude of creative ideas to enhance the app's appeal and user-friendliness. It allowed me to experiment with different design elements and functionalities, aiming for a harmonious blend that would captivate users while ensuring ease of navigation and interaction. This iterative process empowered me to iterate and refine my initial concepts, progressively molding the app into a more engaging and intuitive experience for its potential users.


    This project has been really valuable for me because I learned a lot about making better websites using Onsen's features. I got to build a mobile app with different tabs, which helped me understand how it all works. Trying out different codes and seeing how they changed the design taught me a lot about making things look good and easy to use. Going through this process over and over again made me realize how important it is to get both the coding and design right, so that the website is user-friendly and looks great. Overall, it was a great learning experience that will definitely help me make better websites in the future.


    Onsen Site


    This project has been an exhilarating journey for me, significantly expanding my skill set while introducing me to a plethora of new features that will undoubtedly prove invaluable in my future website development endeavors. The theme I chose, Skelology, resonated deeply with me, and I thoroughly enjoyed meticulously crafting each tab to align perfectly with its essence. Experimenting with color schemes to closely match the theme's representation was a captivating endeavor, and I took the liberty of infusing a touch of humor by incorporating memes, intending to add a playful element to the user experience. However, upon reflection, I realized that in my quest to offer abundant content, I may have overloaded each tab with an excessive amount of explanatory subtitles. This realization prompted me to acknowledge the need for a more concise and straightforward approach to prevent overwhelming the user with information before delving into the content. Moving forward, I am committed to simplifying and streamlining the introductory aspects to ensure a more user-friendly and digestible experience for all future users of my websites.