Fresh It Up

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My app is called Fresh It Up which allows users to enter the description and quantity of an item onto their shopping list. Every time the “Reset List” button is clicked, the list will disappear along with the data stored in the database. After you entered your item, description and quantity, you click the “Submit” button that will bring you to your shopping list. As soon as a user clicks the "Add Item" button above, it takes them directly to your main page where they can add more items, descriptions, and quantities to your cart. Each thing you add to your list is automatically transferred to your database as well. Next to it is your “Delete All Items” button which allows you to delete everything from your cart.

This project involved creating a table in PHPMyAdmin that contained an Id, an item, a description, and a quantity. To ensure the shopping list app would work, I had to ensure my PHP and HTML were properly executed so all data you enter would go directly to your data. I had to create a wireframe for the structure of the website.

What I’ve learned is especially the process of creating a shopping list app by connecting HTML and PHP files to your database. That experience gave me a better understanding of how information from the web is transferred straight to the data where it recollects your requests.